Dermatillomania is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Sufferers compulsively rub or scratch their skin. It's a little-known OCD, yet it's associated with a number of well-known psychological ailments. I've tried to express my feelings about dermatillomania by creating poetic, abstract art.
My poem video
"A swirl of uncertainty hovers at my fingertips."
Lyrics - Mental health and dermatillomania
You're so plastic and that's tragic Just for you I don't know what the hell you gonna do When your looks start depleting And your friends all start leaving You're so plastic and that's tragic Just for you
I feel like I'm drowning I'm drowning You're holding me down and Holding me down You're killing me slow So slow, oh-no I feel like I'm drowning I'm drowning
My poem video
"Blessed are the hearts, the hearts of blood!
Their beats can be heard;
And arms! They can stretch out their arms,
To possess themselves by embracing.
Blessed also are the fingers! They touch;
And eyes! They see. Blessed are the bodies!
They have peace when they lie down,
And nothingness when they are dead."
René-François Sully Prudhomme (1869)